Please refer to our article here on how to continue sending emails with Gmail and Z.
If you are unable to print/email your account/debtor statements, there are a few things you can double check.
Check Email Settings/Send Test Email
One of the main reasons why you may not be able to send emails is if you have recently changed your email password. You will need to update your password in Z Office as well.
If you are unable to send any emails from Z Office, you may need to double check your Z Office settings and try to send a test email to see if that works. To update your email settings OR send a test email to check if your settings are correct:
- Go to Z Office > Settings > Store Settings > Communication
- Under Email Settings:
- Press the Test Email Settings
If you are unable to send a test email, please double check your settings (in particular, if you have recently changed your email password, this will need to be updated in the settings).
I get a Error: The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.7.0 Authentication Required when sending a Test Email?
If you are using a Google/Gmail account: From May 30th 2022, Google will no longer support the use of third-party apps or programs which ask you to sign in to your Google Account using only your username and password.
If you are using a Google/Gmail account, you will not be able to send emails from the Z Programs without further intervention.
Please refer to our article here on how to continue sending emails with Gmail and Z.
I'm able to email a few statements then it fails?
If you are only able to send a handful of statements, before the system fails i.e you get "Statements could not be emailed or printed for the following debtor accounts" for most of your statements, it may be caused by your email provider blocking you from sending a "large" number of emails in one go (this is to prevent spam).
You will need to contact your email provider to see if you can raise your hourly email limit.
Alternatively if your email provider isn't able to help you, we generally recommend that you can create a Gmail/Google Account to be able to send your email through them.
I have a few messages of where it says statement could not be printed/emailed
- Statements could not be emailed or printed for the following debtor accounts
- Statements not emailed because the account is not flagged to Email Statements
- Statements not printed because the account is not flagged to Print Statements
If you are only able to email out a handful of statements but the rest fail, please refer here or above. If you are only having an handful of statements that aren't able to be sent, you can follow this guide.
If you have a handful of customers where you are unable to print/email their statement, you may need to ensure that the customer/debtor has been marked to print/email.
Check the Customer's Email Address for their Account/Debtor & if they are Marked to be Email/Printed
- Go to Z Office > Customers > Manage Customers
- Search for your customer you wish to double check and double click to open their profile
- Go to the Accounts tab
- In the Debtor Account Details panel, select the account you wish to update and double click to open.
- Go to the Additional Details tab
- Double check their Email Address/if they are marked to Print/Email Statements in this section:
Ensure that if you want to input multiple email addresses to be entered with a SPACE.
I have a message saying "statements not emailed or printed because they did not pass the filter criteria"
The filter criteria are the settings ticked when you go to bulk print debtor statements:
In particular, it is normally these filter settings that prevent particular accounts from being printed or emailed:
Include Accounts with Balance
There are multiple options where you can filter to print accounts according to their balance.
e.g. Include Accounts with Balance > 0, will only print statements that have a balance greater than $0. Accounts that have a negative value e.g. <$0, won't be printed.
Include Accounts with No. of Trans
There are multiple options where you can filter to print accounts according to the number of transactions.
e.g. Include Accounts with No. of Trans > 0 will only print statements that have had a transaction within that period (i.e. something was charge to their account within that debtor period).
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