With the introduction of Active Script List (ASL), the StoreQ now has the ability to access a patient’s ASL to add their eScripts onto the StoreQ.
The StoreQ function is now located in the main header menu of Z Dispense.
Accessing Scripts from Active Script List
To search for patient in StoreQ:
- Select StoreQ from the menu to open the StoreQ
- The StoreQ window will appear:
- Press the green plus on the right-hand side to add a script.
- The Add/Edit StoreQ Items window will appear and you can search for the patient using the text field on the top right-hand corner:
- You are able to do a Patient Search by a Patient’s:
- Given Name
- Address
- Identifiers (such as Medicare No, Concession No, Repat Number)
- Contact Details (such as Mobile Number or Email Address) - You can select Add or Edit to add a patient or update a patient’s profile:
- Once you have selected a patient from the Patient Search, you will be able to access the ASL through the coloured ASL Button to the right (Keyboard Shortcut: Alt + J):
Customer View Window
The Customer View option in the StoreQ allows your customers to see when their scripts are ready for collection.
You may need to use a separate monitor to display the Customer View window for your customers.
- The left READY panel will display specific Completed basket numbers from the right panel and cycle through them periodically
- The right panel will display the ticket numbers of all baskets in the StoreQ currently marked as Complete
Every basket added to the StoreQ will be assigned a Ticket Number that you can choose to print and hand to the customer if required.
This Customer View Window will display Ticket Numbers of completed script baskets that are ready for
Enabling & Disabling the Display
- Open the StoreQ
- Right-click the StoreQ icon on the top left of the window
- Select Customer View Window to open the window:
- To close the Customer Display Window, right click on the header part (i.e. the purple section) and select Exit:
Adjusting the Display
- Select Options > StoreQ Options
- Expand on Displays on the left side panel and select Customer View:
- You can customise the following with the Customer View Window:
Heading: Name of your pharmacy
Refresh Interval: The time it updates the display
Ticket Change Interval: The time it rotates between the ticket numbers.
Adding, Updating and Removing Baskets from Display
To add baskets on the Customer View Window, mark the script in the StoreQ as Completed by selecting the button or through the Keyboard Shortcut: ALT + C.
To remove baskets from the Customer View window, mark it as Collected by selecting the button or through the Keyboard Shortcut: ATL + T.
Hiding Baskets from Display
You can also hide a ticket number from displaying on the Customer View Window if requested. When adding or editing a basket in the Add/Edit StoreQ Items window, under Basket Options, tick Hide from Customer View:
Printing Customer/Basket Tickets
Printing the Customer and Basket Copy Tickets
You can print the Ticket Numbers onto Receipt/Till paper which can be handed to the customer or added to their dispensing basket:
To enable the ticket printing:
- Go to the StoreQ
- Right-click on StoreQ icon on the top left for the menu to appear:
- Select Options > StoreQ Options
- Go to General > Printing > Ticket:
- Printer: Select the Default Printer the Tickets should print to. This should be a docket printer.
- Pharmacy Name: Name of the Pharmacy to print on the Customer Copy ticket.
- Print Customer Copy & Print Basket Copy: Enabling this option will display the Print Buttons (when creating a basket and after adding a basket to the StoreQ).
- Auto Print on new Basket: Automatically print the Customer/Basket Copy after creating a basket - Press Save
Once the Customer and Basket Copy options are enabled, while creating a basket, the print options will be available on the bottom left:
After adding a basket to the StoreQ, the options will also be available on the bottom left in the Ticket Number confirmation window:
This window will always appear after adding a basket to the StoreQ, regardless of the printing options. The print options will only appear if you enable them in the StoreQ Settings.
Printing QR codes for StoreQ on Basket Tickets
You have the option to add a QR code to quickly select a basket in Z Dispense. This will allow you to scan in the barcode in the patient search field instead of needing to search and select the basket from the StoreQ.
The code will only bring up the latest basket with the basket number i.e. if you have two queued baskets with the same number, only the newer basket can be selected.
To enable the QR code on the StoreQ Basket Ticket:
- Open up StoreQ (either through Z Dispense or standalone)
- Right-click on the StoreQ icon in the top left-hand corner:
- Go to Options > StoreQ Options:
- In the left-hand panel, go to General > Printing
- Ensure that the 'Print QR Code to Select Basket on Basket Copy' option is checked:
- Press Save.
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