Active Script List (ASL) is a digital list or “wallet” containing all active electronic and paper prescriptions of patients who have registered for the service. Upon the consent of the patient, pharmacists can access a patient’s scripts from the ASL and dispense them directly from Z Dispense without the need for paper repeats or tokens.
To access and use ASL, you will require the following:
- Connection to a PES (Medisecure or eRx)
- Connection to the HI Service through a NASH Certificate (Users that are connected to MyHR satisfy this requirement)
- An active internet connection
Accessing Active Script List
There are two ways to access ASL in Z Dispense:
Method 1: Within Z Dispense
- Select the patient in Z Dispense
- On the right of the Patient field, a coloured ASL button will appear, indicating the ASL Status of the patient.
Method 2: Using the StoreQ
Please refer to Changes to the StoreQ section below on how to access Active Script List through the StoreQ.
Active Script List Statuses
The Active Script List button in Z Dispense and the StoreQ will indicate the status of the selected patient's ASL:
Z Dispense | StoreQ | Status |
Teal/Green: The patient is registered with ASL and your pharmacy has been granted consent to view their ASL. | ||
Amber/Yellow: The patient is registered with ASL but your pharmacy has not been granted access to view their ASL. | ||
Red: The ASL status is unknown as the patient does not have enough information in Z Dispense to retrieve their Individual Health Identifier (IHI). | ||
Grey: Patient isn’t Registered but they have an Individual Health Identifier (IHI), so you will be able to register them for ASL. |
Registering a Patient for Active Script List
- Click on the ASL button in Z Dispense
or in StoreQ
(Keyboard Shortcut: ATL + J)
- The Patient Registration for Active Script List window should appear. The patient details are pre-populated with information retrieved from Z Dispense:
- You will not be able to change the details under Personal as those demographics are needed to retrieve a patient’s IHI, which is required for ASL:
- In the Contact section, the patient’s Mobile OR Email is mandatory (or if they have a Carer, then their contact details are required). Please ensure that these are filled out as these are required to confirm the registration for ASL and consent requests.
- If the patient is registered by a carer or agent acting on behalf of the patient, we are able to record their details under the Carer/Agent section.
The patient can only register 1 carer or agent
- Add Manual: Add carer/agent details manually
- Add Existing Patient: Search for existing patients within Z Dispense to try and pre-populate the fields with the information.
- Add Nursing Home: Search for existing Nursing Homes within Z Dispense to try and pre-populate the fields with the information. - In the Preferred Contact section, select the preferred contact method the patient wishes to use i.e. if the patient has a mobile and email set in their profile, or if the carer details are set, you can select which details should be used to receive ASL notifications.
The preferred contact will be mobile number or email address that the ASL notifications will be sent to.
Agents do not receive ASL notifications. - In the Consent section, there are two checkboxes:
- The first option is required to accept the T&Cs and register the patient for ASL.
- The second option is only to confirm if the patient wants to upload current active scripts (ePrescriptions and paper scripts) to Active Script List. - Press Register to register the patient for ASL
- The patient will receive either a SMS or email (depending on their preferred contact method) to confirm whether your pharmacy is allowed to view the patient’s ASL and/or if they want to upload their current active scripts to ASL.
You will need to wait until the patient replies to the SMS/Email before you can access the ASL scripts.
Navigating through the Active Script List Window
Once a patient is registered for ASL, you will be able to see the Active Script List window by clicking on the ASL button in Z Dispense or StoreQ.
- Customer Details (ASL) - This is the patient details registered for ASL. You are able to update these details by selecting the Update button.
- ASL Information - This is the ASL Status and Consent Status for ASL. You are also able to delete consent and request upload of scripts (if not requested initially). We’ll go into further detail in this below.
- Search - You can search for scripts by Drug Name on their ASL.
- ASL Scripts - This is the list of all the patient’s scripts uploaded to Active Script List. This can include paperless scripts (which you will be able to select and dispense) and paper scripts which are greyed out as you need the paper script to dispense.
- Print - You can press this to print the list of all or selected scripts on Active Script List
- Available Local Repeats (View Only) - This is the list of all available repeats dispensed by your pharmacy appearing as view only (i.e. you cannot select them to dispense). This is more useful when using the StoreQ to quickly see any possible scripts on file that the patient might have if they keep their scripts at your pharmacy.
Active Script List Consent Statuses
To be able to view a patient’s ASL, you will need to ensure that you have also been granted access to view their ASL.
When you request access to a patient’s ASL, the patient will receive an SMS or Email to approve or deny the request with the following options:
- Grant access indefinitely
- Grant access for 1 day only
- Deny access
Example of the SMS and Email that is sent to the patient:
Consent Status | Description |
No Consent |
Your pharmacy hasn’t been granted access to view the patient’s ASL. |
Pending |
Your pharmacy has requested access to view the patient’s ASL and is pending on the patient’s side to approve the request. The patient will receive an SMS/Email depending on their preferred contact. |
Granted |
Your pharmacy has been granted access to view the patient’s ASL. |
Rejected |
The patient has rejected your pharmacy from viewing the patient’s ASL. |
Requesting Access to Patient's Active Script List
- Click on the ASL button in Z Dispense
or in StoreQ
(Keyboard Shortcut: Alt + J).
- Click on Request Access under ASL Information:
- The Consent Status will change from No Consent to Pending:
- The system will send an SMS or Email to the Patient's Preferred Contact and the patient responds to the SMS or Email.
- The Active Script Window will automatically refresh every minute when the Consent Status is Pending to check for the patient’s reply. Alternatively, you can also press Refresh to double check.
- Once the patient has replied and granted access to their ASL, the consent status will change from Pending to Granted. You’ll be able to view and dispense the ASL scripts:
Deleting Consent Request from Active Script List
You are able to delete the ‘consent request’ if needed. Generally, this is required for but not limited to the following scenarios:
- The patient wants to revoke access from the pharmacy (e.g. the patient granted the pharmacy “permanent” access to their ASL and wants to remove this).
- The consent request had been sent to the wrong mobile number/email address.
- The patient accidentally rejected a pharmacy from seeing their ASL.
To delete the consent, click on the Cog/Gear Icon in the ASL Information window:
A popup should appear. Select the Delete Consent option:
A prompt will appear to confirm if you wish to continue:
The prompt will default to No, so you will need to manually select Yes to proceed. Once you have selected ‘Yes’, the previous consent status will be removed and return back to No Consent for you to request for consent again from the patient:
Requesting Upload of Active Electronic Prescriptions to Active Script List
You are also able to upload a patient’s currently active electronic prescriptions. If the option hadn’t been selected initially, then all the previous scripts PRIOR to registration for ASL wouldn’t be visible on ASL. Generally, this is needed if but not limited to the following scenarios:
- If the request to upload the patients currently active scripts was initially NOT selected during the registration process.
- The patient had initially declined the consent request, then you have the option request the upload of the scripts again.
To upload the scripts to ASL, click on the Cog/Gear Icon in the ASL Information window:
The Edit Consent popup should appear. Select the Request Upload option:
The patient should receive an SMS/Email depending on their Preferred Contact, that they will need to reply to:
Dispensing Scripts from Active Script List
- Click on the ASL button in Z Dispense
or the StoreQ
(Keyboard Shortcut: Alt + J).
- The Active Script List window should appear.
- Select the script(s) that you wish to dispense under the Active Script List section:
- Press Select or use they keyboard shortcut ALT + S to process the selected scripts.
- The script will be added onto the StoreQ or populate into Z Dispense for dispensing:
Stop Scripts & Repeats Sending to Active Script List
After dispensing scripts from ASL, repeats will generally be automatically uploaded back to ASL for the next dispensing. If the patient does not want their eScript repeats to be uploaded to ASL, you can tick the Do not send to ASL setting located in the bottom middle panel of the dispensing screen (Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + J):
In these instances, you can issue the patient with the repeat token through email, SMS or by printing a paper token.
Script Needs to be Retained by Pharmacy
If the doctor/prescriber specifies that the script shouldn’t be sent to ASL and retained by the pharmacy (e.g. for staged supply, dosing point etc), the Do not send to ASL option will be automatically ticked with the reason specified by the doctor in brackets.
The Do not send to ASL and Send repeat token to options will automatically be greyed out as the script will need to be retained by the pharmacy. You will still be able to print an Evidence of Prescription to keep on file if needed, however it will contain the following reminder:
Printing the Active Script List
You have the option to print off selected tokens from the Active Script List. In order to do so you will need to ensure that the document printer for ASL is set up correctly.
Setting up the Active Script List document printer
To set up the ASL document printer:
- Go to Z Dispense > StoreQ:
- Right-click on the StoreQ icon in the top left-hand corner:
- Go to Options > StoreQ Options:
- Navigate to the printing Menu in the left-hand panel:
- In the Document section, set your printer to the printer you would like to print your ASL list from:
- If you find that the print is being cut off, you can adjust the paper margins to increase the padding on each of the sides:
- Press Save.
Printing patient Active Script Lists
Once you have your document printer set up, you have the option to print selected scripts or all the scripts from the Active Script List for a patient.
To print the script list:
- Bring up your patient in Z Dispense and click on the ASL icon:
- Select the print option
to print off the whole list:
- Otherwise, select the scripts you would like to include and click the print selected icon
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