The Medsindex is a score that represents how much medicine the doctor intended the patient to take compared to the actual interval between the patient's dispense dates.
A score out of 100 is calculated to indicate the patient's level of compliance with their prescribed regimen.
Generating the Medsindex Score
The MedsIndex score doesn't take into consideration Regulation 24 scripts and Outside Repeats
To calculate the Medsindex score
- Go to Z Dispense and select a patient
- To bring up the Medsindex window either:
a. Press CTRL + SHIFT + M on the keyboard
b. Tools > Medsindex Calculation - The Patient Medication Summary window should appear where you can select which medication you wish to add to the Medsindex Calculation:
- Select the tick boxes for each corresponding medication to include them to the selection of medications to add to the MedsIndex. To select all medications, press Select/Unselect All
- Press Add to Medication Profile to generate the Medsindex score for the selected medications
The MedsIndex tool DOES NOT calculate the value on the fly. If you generate a MedsIndex for a patient on the 01/01/18 and access the MedsIndex window page today, the number will not be re-calculated.
You will need to remove all the medications and add them again for the tool to calculate the value again.
Using the MedsIndex Tool
After adding the medications to the Medsindex calculator, the MedsIndex window will appear:
- Average Guild MedsIndex for Medication Profile - This is the patient's overall MedsIndex score for the medications selected
- Guild Medsindex Score - This is the MedsIndex score for each corresponding medication
- Add Medication - Add the patient's other medications to be included in the MedsIndex score
- Remove Medication - Remove a patient's medication to be excluded from the MedsIndex score
- Show Summary - The Summary Page is current page that the screen is on
- MedsIndex Score Indicator - Hovering over this section will show you will explain each different score range e.g. Optimal Result, Room for Improvement etc
- Overall Comments - Add an overall comment
Selecting a medication will show the individual medication scores and where you can add Outside Repeat counts/manually input the dates and Pharmacist's Comments for the medication.
Printing Options
- Will only print the MedsIndex report for the medication selected
- Will print the MedsIndex report for all the medications
- Will print a Summary MedsIndex report for all medications
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