You may find that there is a discrepancy with the Prescription Sales value from your Trading Totals Report and Till Report. The reason for the mismatch of numbers is due to what each report shows.
- Trading Totals: Shows all scripts that have been dispensed in the selected period of time.
- Till Report: Shows all scripts that are sold in the selected period of time.
Even though both reports look at scripts, they show figures from different parts of the scripts sold process. This is the main reason why discrepancies occur in the scripts sold figure for these reports.
Trading Totals Report Higher/Lower than Till Report
The Trading Totals may report a higher figure than the till report when there were some scripts dispensed in the selected timeframe but were not been collected and processed through Z Register yet.
Similarly, the Trading Totals Report may report a lower figure than the Till Report as there may have been more scripts collected this month (i.e. from past months dispensing) than the scripts dispensed.
1 comment
Invoices dated the 29/05 are not showing up in that report period ?
they are showing up on the date the receipt of goods was entered! 8/06
how can this be captured as of the date the invoice is entered?
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