Agencies allows you to charge for items and services that have no stock on hand attached to it e.g. Webster Paks, Wheelchair Hire, Methadone, Hire Services etc.
Add New Agency
- Go to Z Office > POS > Add New Agency
- The Add Agency Details window should appear:
Name - Name of the agency.
Preset Amount - The $ value of the agency.
Commission Per Sale - Set the commission $ or % for each agency sale.
Department - Link the agency to a department.
Customer Display Mask - This is related to the Customer Display and what it should be named in the customer display (if enabled).
Set Agency as GST Inclusive - Enable GST for agency.
Set Agency as Discountable - Allow manual discounts to be applied to the agency.
Mandatory Customer Selection - This is an advanced option that has limitations. It most likely can be left blank.
Ticking this option will prompt 'Add New Customer' window when the agency is selected. The customer can't be typed in and must be scanned with a customer barcode.
Enable Add New Club Customer (+ Club) - This is an advanced option that has limitations. It most likely can be left blank.
Tick this option will prompt 'Add New Customer' window when the agency is selected. The customer can't be typed in and must be scanned with a customer barcode. The customer will then be created with the customer barcode and placed in the selected club. - Fill the fields as necessary and press Save
Manage Agencies
- Go to Z Office > POS > Manage Agencies
- Do a blank search (i.e. press 'Search') to bring up a list of all the Agencies available
- Double click to open one of the Agencies to update or use the left panel options:
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