Manual Refunds
Refund Button
- Log in to Z Register
- Press Refund or 'F10' key on the keyboard
The item selection field should now have 'Refund' in front of it to indicate that items scanned will be refunded. - Scan or select the product into the refund
- The refunded item will appear red to indicate it's going to be refunded:
- Finish the sale with the desired payment method
Manual Refund
- Log in to Z Register
- Scan or select the product into the sale
- In the Qty field, change the value to a NEGATIVE value e.g. to refund 1 item, change the Qty to -1
- The refunded item will appear red to indicate it's going to be refunded:
- Finish the sale with the desired payment method
Refund by Receipt
There are several limitations with this method. Currently does not work for multi-buy promotions, multiple quantities, scripts and lay-by items
- Log in to Z Register
- Press Search Receipts
The Search Receipts window should appear:
Scan or type the receipt number in the Enter Receipt No. field. - Once the receipt has been highlighted, press the
- The Refund window should appear:
Select the items to refund. Items that haven't been selected for a refund will be indicated with aand those marked to be refunded will be indicated with a
- The refunded item will appear red to indicate it's going to be refunded:
- Finish the sale with the desired payment method
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