You can enter and receive orders manually or you can have electronic invoices sent straight to Z Office via PharmX (this is only available for certain suppliers and you will need to contact Z Software Support to set this up).
Receive Order Manually
To receive an order manually:
- Go to Z Office > Orders > Receive Order Manually
- Select the supplier, enter the invoice number, date and any notes if necessary
- You can enter the freight charge if applicable and tick the GST field if GST is included
- Scan or search for the product you wish to receive in the order in the Add Line field
- Enter the quantity received in cartons in the Rec (C) column
- Enter the cost per carton in the Rec Ex (C) column
- Repeat steps 4-6 until you have added everything from the invoice
- Press Save to save the invoice if you wish to come back to it later
- Press Receive to enter the invoice into the system and adjust the stock
Receive PharmX Order Invoices
Receiving an order through PharmX is the same as receiving an order manually except the stock, order quantity and cost should be automatically filled in for you.
To receive an order through PharmX:
- Go to Z Office > Orders > Manage Orders
- Press Search to bring up all orders and invoices that have yet to be received (you can change the filter for order status and date range)
- Double click the order you wish to receive (Invoices that come through PharmX will normally have status Invoice Attached)
- Check through the invoice to make sure the Rec (C) and Rec Ex (C) are correct
- Press Save to save the invoice if you wish to come back to it later
- Press Receive to enter the invoice into the system and adjust the stock
Receive PharmX Invoice by Scanning Products
You can receive PharmX invoices by scanning the products as you unpack your order.
To receive a PharmX order by scanning products:
- Go to Z Office > Orders > Manage Orders
- Press Search to bring up all orders and invoices that have yet to be received (you can change the filter for order status and date range)
- Double click the order you wish to receive (Invoices that come through PharmX will normally have status Invoice Attached)
- Click Clear Rec Qtys located in the top left of the Receive Order window which will remove the pre-filled quantity in the Rec (C) field. (Note: This option can be set as default under Settings > Store Settings > Stock – Other > Disable Automatically Fill received quantities for Electronic/Non-Electronic Orders)
- Click into the field called Scan Products located at the top right of Receive Order window
- Start scanning item barcodes from the order. Each scan will increment the Rec (C) quantity of that stock by 1. To save additional time from scanning items 1 by 1 (eg. 12 ventolin), you can input 12*(scan barcode) which will increment 12 to that stock in the order
- Check through the invoice to make sure the Rec (C) and Rec Ex (C) are correct
- Press Save to save the invoice if you wish to come back to it later
- Press Receive to enter the invoice into the system and adjust the stock
Edit a Received Order
To make changes to an order that you have already received:
- Go to Z Office > Orders > Manage Orders
- Search for the order but make sure you have Received checked
- Double-click the order you wish to edit
- Press Unreceive
- Double-click the order again
- Make any necessary changes
- Press Receive to enter the invoice into the system and adjust the stock
PDE # - PDE for the supplier selected for this order
Name - Stock name
Ord (C) - Quantity ordered in cartons
Rec (C) - Quantity received in cartons
Rec Ex (C) - Cost excluding GST per carton
Exp Cost Ex (C) - Expected cost excluding GST per carton
WS1 (C) - Wholesaler or supplier list cost excluding GST
Last (U) - Last invoice cost excluding GST per unit
Cost (U) - Cost excluding GST per unit
M/Up % - Markup
GST - GST flag
Sell - Retail sell price
Invoice No - The invoice number the product is on
Tote No - The tote number the product is in (different totes in the order will have different coloured text)
Total - The total invoiced cost for each product
Labels - The label printing settings for the order
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