There are several payment methods to process a transaction/sale.
Cash Transaction
- Log in to Z Register
- Scan or select the products into the sale
- Once all the items have been added into the sale, press or the ' + ' key on the keyboard to bring up the payment window
- For Cash Transactions:
a. Payment Details - This panel will show you the subtotal/amount due of the sale
b. Enter Amount Tendered - Enter the amount tendered in this screen through either:
TYPE in the value in the field using your keyboard
Use the onscreen number keyboard to enter in the value
Use the onscreen cash buttons to tender that amount (e.g. $1, $2, $5 etc)
NoteIf the exact amount in cash is given, press Exact Cash to complete sale OR the ' + ' key on the keyboard to complete the sale without the need to enter the amount tendered
- The Finish Sale window prompt should appear:
Re-Print Receipt (F1) - Press this to Re-Print the Receipt
Same Clerk (ENTER) - Continue the next sale with the same staff member
New Clerk (ESC) - Continue the next sale with a new staff member (requires new login)
EFTPOS Transaction
- Log in to Z Register
- Scan or select the products into the sale
- Once all the items have been added into the sale, press or the ' + ' key on the keyboard to bring up the payment window
- For EFTPOS Transactions:
There are several options in the default layout where you can either select 'EFPTOS' for all card sales, or separate all the card sales in their respective types (e.g. VISA, MasterCard, AMEX etc).
In general, most pharmacies only use the EFTPOS button and AMEX button etc.
Manual EFTPOS Transactions
If you don't have integrated EFTPOS, it is recommended to process the sale through the EFTPOS machine first then press EFTPOS in the payment window to finish the sale.
Integrated EFTPOS Transactions
Press EFTPOS button and continue the EFTPOS integration prompts to complete the sale. - The Finish Sale window prompt should appear:
Re-Print Receipt (F1) - Press this to Re-Print the Receipt
Same Clerk (ENTER) - Continue the next sale with the same staff member
New Clerk (ESC) - Continue the next sale with a new staff member (requires new login)
Split Payment
To process a split payment in Z Register:
- Log in to Z Register
- Scan or select the products into the sale
- Once all the items have been added into the sale, press or the ' + ' key on the keyboard to bring up the payment window
- For Split Payment Transactions:
Press Split Payment in the Payment Menu: - Enter in the amount to the corresponding payment method:
The Remaining Amount prompt should appear to remind you the customer still has a remaining amount: - Press ENTER on the keyboard to finish the sale
Ensure that you press ENTER rather than '+' or Cash/EFTPOS etc. If you press + or Cash/EFTPOS etc then Z Register will complete the sale with that payment method rather than the split payment.
- The Finish Sale window prompt should appear:
Re-Print Receipt (F1) - Press this to Re-Print the Receipt
Same Clerk (ENTER) - Continue the next sale with the same staff member
New Clerk (ESC) - Continue the next sale with a new staff member (requires new login)
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