A list of doctor's details in Z Dispense can be generated as a report and will include the following details:
Doctor's Name
Prescriber Number
Prescriber Type
Contact Number
To generate the report:
- Go to Z Dispense > Reports
- Select Doctor Reports > Doctor List:
- The Doctor Details Report window will appear:
Filter for practitioners with surnames starting with a specific letter. e.g. Input A-K to generate a list of doctors with surnames starting with A to K.
By default, the report will sort practitioners according to surname in alphabetical order.If required, you can also filter for practitioners whose address is within a specific postcode. Multiple postcodes can be added by separating them using a comma. e.g. 2000, 2001 (hovering your cursor over the
icon will also display a reminder).
The practitioner's address refers to the address entered in their Contact Details in Z Dispense. For steps on how to add this, please refer to Managing Doctors.Select the type(s) of practitioner you would like to generate the report for e.g. vet, optometrist, dentist, doctor. This will also show you the letters used to represent the Prescriber Type in the report:
By default, this is ticked to show practitioners that are currently active in the system. However, if you would also like the report to show deleted practitioners, you can untick this option.
Select specific suburbs to filter for practitioners whose address is within a specific suburb.
- Press
to generate the report.
- An example of the report:
- If needed, you can print the report by pressing
or export the report to PDF by pressing
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