Download Keyboard Shortcuts
The list of Keyboard Shortcuts can be accessed from Z dispense, under the Help Menu. You may also download a copy of the Keyboard Shortcut Strip from here.
Commonly used shortcuts
From the dispensing screen:
(SHIFT + ESC) or (CTRL + SHIFT + N) - clear the dispensing screen
F4 - bring up the script history
F6 - bring up a list of all products dispensed on your terminal that need to be barcode checked (this list resets every time you restart Z Dispense)
F7 - perform a price check for a prescription item
F8 - bring up the patient's profile
F10 - finish and save the script
F11 - bring up brand substitutions that are 'a' flagged on the PBS after selecting a drug
F12 - clear screen
G - similar to the F11 shortcut but also brings up generics that aren't 'a' flagged on the PBS (only works in the Barney layout)
With a script highlighted in the script history on the right:
F - fill repeat if repeats are available
V - view script details such as PBS and payment information
E - edit the script
N - change the patient on the script if you dispensed it under the wrong name
C - copy the script details into a new script
X - print out a tax invoice
L - print the dispense label
R - print the repeat label
B - print both the dispense label and repeat
In the Patient field:
S - bring up the same patient from the previously dispense script
F - bring up list of patients in the same (safety net) family
E(script number) - edit the script e.g. if the script number is 12345, type 'E12345' into the Patient field and press ENTER
V(script number) - same as above but view the script details instead of editing it
Shortcut Keys
Main Dispense Screen
F1 - Help Menu
F2 - move focus to Script History
F4 - Script Organiser
F5 - Refresh
F6 - Scan
F7 - Price Check
F8 - Update patient
F9 - PBS Notifications
F10 - Save
F11 - Generic Substitution
F12 - Clear Screen
ALT + F1 - Patients
ALT + F2 - Doctors
ALT + F3 - Pharmacist
ALT + F4 - Drugs
ALT + F5 - Other
ALT + F6 - Store
ALT + F7 - Workstation
ALT + F8 - Reports
ALT + F9 - Tools
ALT + F10 - Claims
ALT + F11 - PakIT
ALT + F12 - e-Prescription window
ALT + B - Abb PI
ALT + F - Full PI
ALT + L - Allergy Alert
ALT + O - Interactions
ALT + H - Dup Therapy
ALT + V - Override directions
ALT + W - Detailed Warnings
ALT + G - Change (Stock)
ALT + Z - Zero (stock)
ALT + K - Default Stock
ALT + END - Close Notes
ALT + DEL - Delete notes
ALT + INS - Add note
ALT + J - Opens Active Script List
CTRL + Q - Opens StoreQ
CTRL + O - change Script Type to Owing
CTRL + N - add patient note
CTRL + L - LabelIT
CTRL + P - Turn Print On/Off
CTRL + B - Turn Webster On/Off
CTRL + S - Add New SMS
SHIFT + CTRL + D - check and uncheck Show Deleted
SHIFT + CTRL + W - check and uncheck Show Owings only
SHIFT + CTRL + R - check and uncheck Show Available Repeats only
SHIFT + CTRL + B - check and uncheck Check Barcode
SHIFT + CTRL + A - Address Label for patient currently loaded
SHIFT + CTRL + K - Family Link Label
SHIFT + CTRL + P - Pricing Options
SHIFT + CTRL + V - Turn ConvertIT On/Off
SHIFT + CTRL + T - SubstituteIT
SHIFT + CTRL + O - Don't Send Script to POS/Send Script to POS
SHIFT + CTRL + H - Autocharge
SHIFT + CTRL + U - Pause/Resume queue
SHIFT + CTRL + I - View queue
SHIFT + CTRL + C - Clear queue
SHIFT + CTRL + Y - Add Script History Note
SHIFT + CTRL + X - Exit
SHIFT + CTRL + TAB - cycle through layouts
SHIFT + CTRL + N - Clear Screen
SHIFT + ESC - Clear Screen
Ctrl + "+" - Zoom in
Ctrl + "-" - zoom out
ESC - takes you back to Main Dispensing Area
L - Print Label
R - Print Repeat
F - Fill Repeat
V - View Script
E - Edit Script
G - Generic Substitution
N - Change Patient
C - Copy To New Script
DEL - Delete
O - Mark Off Owing
P - Print (Printing Options)
T - Print Receipt for selected items
I - Print Totals for selected items
B - Check Barcode
CTRL + M - Reclaim Script
CTRL + H - Hold Script
CTRL + R - Resend Script
ENTER - in Barney loads up script in homepage; in RAPIDFire Edit Script
Barney Layout
ALT + N - Patient
ALT + Y - Script Type
ALT + D - Doctor
ALT + P - Hsp Prv #
ALT + U - Drug
ALT + C - Directions
ALT + Q - Quantity
ALT + R and END - Pharmacist Initials
ALT + A - Cancel
CTRL + U - Update Patient Details
ESC - does the same as ARROW UP
F10 - Finish Script
N - New Patient
L - Label
B - Both label and repeat
R - Repeat
T - Receipt
X - MX Receipt
V - Invoice
Z - MZ Invoice
Y - Copy of Script
W - Owing Reminder
I - CMI P Abbrev P.I.
F - Full P.I.
A - Address Label
U - Last Rpt Printout
K - Totals Sticker
E - Edit Script
C - Cancel Script
O - Owing Markoff
D - Defer Script
H - Hold Script
M - Reclaim Script
G - Generic Substitution
U - Continued Dispensing Declaration/Notification Form
ESC - New Patient
RAPIDfire Layout
ALT + P - Patient
ALT + Y - Supply Type
ALT + U - Authority
ALT + E - Category
ALT + D - Doctor
ALT + T - Item Presc
ALT + Q - Quantity
ALT + C - Directions
ALT + R - Pharmacist Initials
ALT + X and F10 - Next
ALT + N and END - Finish
ALT + A - Cancel
ALT + I - Update Patient Details
While Dispensing
ALT + U - Update
ALT + S and F10 - Select
ESC - Cancel
ALT + F - Include Similar Forms checkbox
ALT + C - Contains Search checkbox
ESC - Cancel
ENTER and Double Clicking on note - Update
ALT + P - Original Approval Number
ALT + D - Last Supply Date
ALT + V - Hospital Provider Number
ALT + O - OK
ESC - Cancel
ALT + O - OK
ESC - Cancel
ALT + M - Enter On Mark Off
ALT + O - OK
ESC - Cancel
C - continue
D - Defer
ESC - Cancel
C - Continue
D - Dispense Repeat
ESC - Cancel
F - bring up list of last patient’s family members
DEL - Delete SMS
ALT + P or just "P" - Print
ESC - Cancel
ESC - Cancel
Interactions/Dup Therapy
ESC and ENTER - Close
O - Overview tab
P - Pricing Tab
N - Notes tab
C - Claim History tab
B - PBS tab
I - Sale Information tab
S - Save
ESC - Cancel
If focus is on old patient’s history:
TAB - cycles between selected Patient; Patient History; Select and Cancel
ARROW UP/DOWN - cycles through everything including individual items in the patient’s history
ENTER and Double Click - Select item
CTRL + END - close old patient’s history
ESC - Cancel
L - Label
R - Repeat
E - Receipt
I - Invoice
Y - Copy of Prescription
N - Last Repeat Printout
M - Receipt Multi
U - Invoice Multi
W - Owing Script reminder
F - Full Prescribing info
B - Abbrev Prescribing Info
A - Address Label
K - Family Link Label
T - Totals Label
P - Print
S - Skip
ESC - Cancel
O - Print to Webster/Main
ALT + E - Edit Script
ALT + R - Resend
ALT + D and DELETE - Delete Script
ALT + F - Flag
ALT + P - Previous
ALT + N - Next
ESC - Cancel
F5 - Refresh
Add/Update Menus
ALT + U - Update
DEL or ALT + D - Delete
ESC - Cancel
ESC - Cancel
Basic Details
ALT + U - Surname
ALT + G - Given Name
ALT + T - Title
ALT + X - Sex
ALT + B - Date of Birth
ALT + A - Address
ALT + P - Phone No
ALT + N - Mobile No
ALT + M - Medicare No
ALT + C - Concession No
ALT + E - Safety Net No
ALT + R - Repatriation No
Safety Net Details
Double Click on family member - Edit
INS - Add Allergies
ALT + INS - Add Health Conditions
INS - Add Note
DEL - Delete note
ENTER or Double Clicking on note - Update
ESC - Cancel
ENTER and Double Clicking on Note - Update
ESC - Cancel
ESC - Cancel Preferred Drug Ranking (after marking drug as preferred)
INS - Add Drug
DEL - Delete Drug
ARROW UP/DOWN - Rearrange ranking
ESC - Cancel
INS - Add Ward
DEL - Delete Ward
ENTER or Double Click on Ward - Update
ESC - Cancel
Other Menus
F5 - Refresh
F6 - Barcode Scan Check list
DEL - Delete Manufacturer
ARROW UP/DOWN - Rearrange ranking
ALT + S - Save
ESC - Cancel
ESC - Cancel
ALT + F - Full P.I
ALT + P - Print
ESC - Cancel
ALT + U - Update
ALT + D - Delete
ALT + P - Print
ALT + C and ESC - Cancel
ALT + A and INS - Add SMS
ALT + D and DEL - Delete SMS
F5 - Refresh
ESC - Cancel
Add/Update SMS in SMS List
ESC - Cancel
ALT + C and ESC - Cancel
ALT + INS - Add Patient Merge Group
INS - Add Patient
ALT + DEL - Delete Patient
Merge Group
DEL - Delete Patient
ALT + UP/DOWN - Re-arrange ranking Pressing a number (1-5) when focus is in the difference window will select that patient’s details
ALT + M - Merge Patients
ESC - Cancel
ESC - Cancel
ALT + C - Clear
ESC - Cancel
ENTER - on day to Add note
PGUP - Previous month
PGDN - Next month
ALT + X - Search Text
ALT + Y - Copy Private
ALT + A & INS - Add
ALT + D & DEL - Delete
ALT + E - Delete All
ALT + C - Copy
ALT + B - Bulk Changes
ALT + L - Apply
Typing any letter when in the list of products will bring
up the drug search screen
ALT + S - Save
Esc - Cancel
D - DoseIT
C and ESC - Cancel
ESC - Cancel
ESC - Cancel
ALT + U - Update Pak
ALT + D & DEL - Delete Pak
ALT + X - Next Supply
ALT + P - Patient Profile
ALT + R - Re-print
ESC - Cancel
ALT + R - and DEL Remove Item
ALT + I - Include In Pak
ALT + U - Update
ALT + S - Save
ALT + C & ESC - Cancel
ESC - Cancel
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