If you frequently use particular functions in Z Dispense and would like quick access to them from the top ribbon, you can pin up to 5 custom shortcuts to the Main Menu tab.
You can also switch ribbon menu tabs quickly by using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + respective tab number e.g. CTRL + 2 will bring you to the second tab i.e. Reports.
To pin a shortcut:
- Go to the function you wish to add to the shortcut
- Hover over the function and right-click. Select “Pin to Main Menu”:
- The shortcut should now appear in the Main Menu tab:
To unpin a shortcut:
- Go to the shortcut you wish to unpin from the Main Menu tab.
- Hover over the function and right-click. Select “Unpin from Main Menu”:
- The shortcut should then be removed from the Main Menu tab:
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