Script History Buttons
- This will bring up the Script History Note, where you'll be able to add script history notes (such as Patient Note Example in blue above)
- This will bring up the Clinical Interventions for the patient
- This will bring up the Patient Medication Chart for the patient
Script History Filters
Deleted - Scripts which have been manually marked as deleted from the script history. Selecting the checkbox will allow for scripts to show/not show
Owings - Scripts which have been dispensed as an owing prescription will show up in red in the script history. Selecting the checkbox will filter for current owings.
Owings can be marked off by using the ‘Owing Mark-off’ option. Upon deleting an owing script, there is also a ‘Delete and Fix Owing’ which will delete the current owing and dispense an owing markoff in a single step.
Available Repeats - Scripts that are active repeats available for dispensing. Selecting the checkbox will filter for current available repeats
Check Barcode - Prompts for the Check Barcode for double check scanning of medications. Selecting the checkbox will filter for scripts that require a double check scan to be performed.
Identifying key markers on script history
- Grey – Deferred prescription
- Blue - Patient Script History Note
- Green – Owing mark-off
Strikeout– Deleted script- Red – Owing prescription
- Black – Original prescription
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