Individual Paks
- Go to Z Dispense > PakIT > Add/Edit Patient Paks
- Search for a patient in the Patient field and select the patient
- Press and the Print Pak prompt should appear:
Fill the fields as necessary - Press to print the Pak
Printing Options
On the right panel, there is a Pak Supply History that shows the history of all the paks that have been printed.
You have the ability to select those Paks and Re-print them:
Bulk Pak Printing
- Go to Z Dispense > PakIT > Bulk Pak Print
- The Bulk Pak Print window should appear:
- You have the ability to add Patient Paks (A), add Nursing Home Patient Paks (B) or add All Patient Paks (D). There are also filters (C) for you to include/exclude particular Paks:
Type - Once you've selected all the patients, they should appear in the table where you can set the Pak Date, Supply Date, No. Weeks, Expiry Date etc for each Pak.
Alternatively, there is the Bulk Changes option at the bottom that will bulk update all the Paks to the values inputted in each field. - Press to bulk print all the Paks
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