Z Register
I'm not sure what my ID and Pass is?
If you are unsure what your ID and Password is to login to Z Register, you will need ensure that an account has been created in Z Office or clear/reset your password under the Dispense & Point of Details in the Staff window.
Ensure that you have staff permissions to access Z Register
You may need to double check with the store or pharmacist manager to help you with these settings.
You will need to confirm that you have access to Z Register in your Staff Permissions.
Restart Z Register
If you have recently created a staff ID login in Z Office, you may need to close and open Z Register to use the new staff ID.
Ensure Num Lock is Enabled
If you can't seem to type into the Z Register login field, ensure that Num Lock is enabled on the keyboard (most keyboards will have a Num Lock light indicator to indicate whether or not Num Lock is enabled).
Check that there is also nothing pressing against the keyboard or if any keys are stuck on the keyboard.
Z Office
I'm not sure what my password is?
If you are unsure what your password is to login to Z Office, you will need ensure that an account has been created in Z Office or clear/reset your password under the Dispense & Point of Details in the Staff window.
My name isn't appearing in the list!
If your name isn't appearing on the Z Office, you will need to ensure that you have set a password in Z Office and have the correct Z Office permissions set.
As your name isn't appearing on the list for you to access Z Office, you may need to ask another staff member to help you to check!
Z Dispense
I'm not sure what my password is?
To login to Z Dispense, you will need to use your Z Office password. If you don't have a Z Office password, you can leave this blank.
If you are unsure what your password is to login to Z Office, you can clear/reset your password under the Dispense & Point of Details in the Staff window.
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